Tuesday, February 10, 2009

were off to see the neurologist, the wonderful wonderful neurologist.

We took Abigail to see her regular neurologist today. She was very impressed with Abigail's improvements in all areas, she even got a big hug from Abigail as well. That was the first time A ever did that. We discussed her current medication, which is the Vigabatrin, and the consensus is to wait another two months before messing with the dosage. Things are going so well that we just don't want to start changing anything. Abigail's neurologist is normally very formal when we deal with her, she is good neurologist, but I think she keeps a very stoic front, which I imagine helps in dealing with some of her more stressful patients. However after seeing Abigail today she was smiling and her overall demeanor was almost one of relief, I even found out she has a teenage child. Who knew? About a year ago she was trying to find away to let us know that she thought that Abigail might be autistic, this base on very obvious autistic markers that Abigail had at the time, no direct eye contact, lack of verbal skills, lack of interest in her surroundings. The thing is......is she would only do these when she was super tired, which for some reason seemed to be during her appointments with the neurologist. The rest of the time she was a loving, joyful, I am going to squeeze your head till it pops or my shoulders dislocate sort of child. So for the doctor to be finally able to see Abigail at her best and not have to rely on our reports, it must be a relief to watch Abigail talking, playing, hugging normally, and being an overall cute 3.5 year old with french braids.

We continue to have some serious issues with getting Abigail to eat her regular meals. Dinner tonight wasn't to bad, Melinda made a chocolate milkshake that once we got the first sip in her she just loved. It was chocolate protein powder, cream, ice, and sugar free maple syrup. When we handed her the cup she looked at us like we were crazy, we had to bribe her to take the first sip but once she did....man it was all about the cup. She downed it all down in less than 2 minutes.

I miss Abigail's Fierce Hugs.

1 comment:

Marie said...

We are one month in with the diet and still having a lot of trouble getting our daughter to eat as well. I'm sorry that you are having the same battle but I am relieved that perhaps this is the norm for the first few months (at least that what we keep hearing)!

I'm so happy to hear that despite the struggle with eating, the diet is having such a positive impact on Abigail!
