Saturday, February 7, 2009

Just what is normal.

Its either getting easier or we are getting used to it.

Maybe its a little of both. Routines are settling in and a new "normal" is being established. Abigail continues to be stubborn at meal time but will eventually eat her meal. Melinda continues to find new and interesting meals to keep Abigail more willing to eat.

Last night was one of the first times where we did something as a "normal" family and there were no melt downs, tantrums, or yelling. It was nothing special...we went for a spontaneous walk around the "block" (We don't have sidewalks where we live so the "block" is really a gravel road, and two really long paved streets).

We were outside trying to get Abigail to ride a training bike, one of those bikes with no pedals or cranks, just two wheels, a low slung frame, and a set of handlebars. Shelby was zipping up and down the street on her razor scooter and Abigail would yell "Run Run" every time she went by, which would make Melinda or I have to run while crouching and pushing Abigail on the bike with her feet making running motions. Its really cute, but murder on your back. After we were done riding Abigail decided it was time for us all to go for a walk, she walked the entire distance around the block, maybe a half mile, and was watching everything. When we got home Melinda and I sat at the table and talked, Abigail played quietly with various toys and Shelby played on the computer while talking to a friend on the was all very....normal.

Just what is normal? I really don't know. Since Abigails seizures have stopped, every day is different from what previous days have brought. I am not sure where we are going or when we will get there but the ride has changed from what it used to be, and what we used to think it would be. It has been almost a month since Abigails seizures stopped (I just knocked on some wood) and we are, just now, starting to allow ourselves to hope a little bit more each day that we all will see and end to her seizures.


keithandkaty said...

Mike...I have to say you just summed up what our days have been like for the last couple weeks. It is a very great feeling that what used to be a challenge for Abigail and I, is becoming nothing of the sort. I welcome this part of Abigail's journey and I am so happy that a walk around the block made your day. I know how great a feeling that is.

Anonymous said...


Malke said...

I was just thinking what a challenge life has been for Abigail up until this point, and now she sounds like she's really enjoying things. She's so lucky to have you and Melinda as her parents, and I'm so happy that things keep getting better and better!