Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Abigail is still really into blocks. However now she is crazy about stickers...stickers on little pieces of paper, on the table, the underside of her little while stool, my head. She walks around with two blocks and a handful of stickers and has never been happier.

Melinda made a chocolate substitute the other day! Its coconut oil, splenda, and chocolate protein powder. You freeze it and viola you have chocolate that goes down like fudge! Not only that, its also meal replacement and mild laxative in one attractive package! Coconut oil is a natural laxative. I am going to have to come up with a quick blurb for a commercial for that product....the possibilities are endless.


Marie said...

Hi, I found your blog through Fawn's blog. My daughter is on the ketogenic diet also.

You chocolate fudge recipe sounds wonderful! We may have to play with coconut oil as well.


Mike Rosenfeld said...

Hi Marie it looks like Abigail and Started with in a week of each other on the diet! I am happy your grace (what a cutie) is seizure free! What is the ratio you are running and I can get you a copy of the recipe from Melinda.
What hospital / Program did you use to get Grace into Ketosis?