Much better day.
Better food consumption, who wouldn't like pork rinds with butter on them! And less temper issues.
I want to know who designed this roller coaster ride we are on right now so I can send a complaint letter.
Melinda found a recipe for a pancake from the people who make the Keto Cal shake mix! Its an almost perfect 4:1 ratio. It produced a 6" pancake (that's 15cm for any reader outside the US :-) )
It was the fastest I have seen Abigail eat in over a week! She loved it and keeps asking for more, she got every last bit!! I would compare it to a Dutch Baby pancake. Dense and eggy. All that was missing was a bath of pure maple syrup...which of course I know she can't have. We will try the melted butter with sugar free flavoring in it as a syrup next time.
Abigail had a great time at her Tuesday/Thursday afternoon preschool. We only went for an hour but she was excited to see all her friends. She wouldn't stop talking about "Teacher Will" and "Teacher Heather" on the way there. As soon as we walked in the door she got all shy and quiet. It was rather cute.
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