Just realized I have not posted what one of the meals looks like. We are having issues with Abigail not eating her 2:30 (2nd lunch) meal. We are working really hard to maintain the 4:1 ratio even when she doesn't eat everything. The picture to the right is her 2:30 meal. 19g of Salami, 15g of cheddar cheese, 36g of HWC, and 24g of butter. Between salami pieces is the cheddar cheese and butter. Abigail is sporting a sweet creamstash.
Here were today's meals.
Breakfast 6:30am: 7g of bacon (2/3rd of a slice), 33g of eggs (2/3rd of an egg), 70g of HWC, 14g of butter. We spread the butter on each bite of egg and it worked well.
Lunch 1 10:30am: 57g of HWC, 14g of Pork Rinds, 21g of Butter. Spread the butter on the Pork Rinds and she ate it all with a smile on her face.
Lunch 2 2:30: 19g of Salami, 15g of cheddar cheese, 36g of HWC, and 24g of butter. She drank all the HWC and ate two mini sandwiches of salami, cheese, and butter. We maintained the 4:1 ratio by giving some extra HWC
Dinner 6:30pm: 39g HWC, 50g of Organic Kosher Hot Dog, 13g of Butter, 10g of Cheddar Cheese. I have a feeling she will eat it all!
Next week if Abigail is still not eating the afternoon meal we will lower her daily calories spread over the four meals and see what happens.
We are going to pick up some sugar free multi vitamins tonight so we can make sure to balance out her daily needs as much as possible.
At this point we have a 50% reduction in seizures and are hoping for more. 50% was one of the goals we wanted when we started this diet. We want 100% but will take any reduction we can get. It is also to soon to know if the diet is causing the 50% reduction or just the shock to the system. She does seem more aware and is more focused when playing with toys and interacting with other kids.
Abigail has also taken on the sweet smell of butter and bacon...mmmm....bacon....its the candy bar of meats.
So great to see that you are home and that little miss is chowing things down well. The better news is the reduction in seizures - I can't wait to see you both back at school. Any idea of when that night be? Hugs to Abigail - Teacher Will
I am thinking next Tuesday but may push that to Thursday. We want to get her eating everything at each meal. Thinking when she does come back we will take off by 2:25 or so. will just make it easier food wise and I can take her home and feed her.
She really misses being in class and keeps asking for You and Heather. You will be amazed by her verbal increase. Just in the last two days she is asking for things in complete sentences. Grammar sucks :) but the meaning is there :) :)
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