Left cold dark Portland this morning for chilly sunny San Francisco. I believe it was Mark Twain who said "The coldest winter I ever had was a summer in San Francisco" Its 50+ degrees and beautiful down here, but it feels colder than Portland, everywhere we went there were people on bikes enjoying the sunshine.
The flight was OK..not great..when we were descending Abigail swallowed a life saver wrong, she didn't choke, but it clearly went down wrong. It took several air sickness bags to get over that. It wasn't too bad just a little nerve wracking. I think the people around us fared far worse than we did. Once we landed we had to sit on the tarmac for 30 minutes as there was no one there to drive the gate out to the plane.
Melinda's wonderful friend Kathy was waiting for us and took us to our Hotel by the hospital. The room was not what we expected but they understood and moved us to a better room with more sunlight. We didn't really want to complain as the hotel offers a 50% discount to anyone staying there who has a child in the hospital. It probably didn't help that we checked in while really hungry and cranky.
Kathy took our cranky butts to find some food and our day was vastly improved. We spent the rest of the day hanging out at Kathy's house with her husband Chris and her two kids, Laurel (2.75 years old) and Mary Ann (10 months). Abigail and Laurel went to the park, played in mud puddles, chased each other screaming in high pitched voices, and pointedly refused to take naps.
Abigail's last meal that is primarily carbohydrates for the next two years was pizza. Kind of wish she had eaten more.
Tomorrow brings the 8am metabolic test then the possibility of waiting all day for a room while trying to explain to her why we can't feed her. Not to mention multiple blood and urine tests thru out the day.
On a positive note Abigail went from morning till early evening in the same pull up!!! 14 hours and 5 potty uses, the end of potty training is in sight!
One thing about the bay area that has become clear to me, in my last two visits, is just how much you have to drive to get anywhere around here. Kathy is a rock star in the extreme. We can't thank her enough for helping us.
Abigail had a couple of bad sets of seizures this afternoon and evening, watching them just drove home the importance of what we are doing here and just how much we hope this works.
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