Good stuff first! Abigail was happy, calm, and was like a normal 3 year old. We went to Small Friends preschool and she greeted all her friends, played by herself, painted, worked on different art projects and was just a joy to watch. Her teachers were floored, the other parents were amazed. Its like Abigail has woken up from a two year nap and is finally engaging with the world! When we got home we played with large legos and baskets of other toys for almost 2 hours. It was great to be interacting with her on such a personal level.
At about 6pm Melinda says, "Does she feel warm to you?" one kiss test later I am digging out the digital thermometer and sticking it in Abigails arm pit. It jumps to 99 from the gun and climbs to 99.9...add a degree for armpits and she was at 100.9. We were at a loss as to what to do about the Tylenol to reduce the fever. All her old childrens meds have sugar, and no one makes tylenol in less than 500mg's she only needed regular strength. We could have ground up one 250mg tablet and put it in water for her. But no, we live in America where everything has to be "Super Sized" or "Extra Strength". Nothing is more frustrating than going thru the name brands and off name brands at 10pm at the store trying to find "regular" strength Tylenol. Melinda placed a call to the pediatrition on call while I was at the store and gave them my cell number. I was rescued by the doctor telling me to just use 200mg of Motrin ground up in water .......or use 250mg Tylenol suppositories....the only drug medium, not left, nor wanted to be "Super Sized". Based on my long silence after that recommendation, the doctor said the Motrin would be fine and would do the trick.
Abigail did not go to sleep last night until about 11:30 or 12, she was so miserable. She only had the cream from her afternoon lunch and we had to use a Keto Shake for dinner as she refuse her solid food due to how she felt.
This morning we could barely rouse her and once we did she could barely stand on her own. We decided to skip a solid food breakfast and went straight to a Keto Shake. The fever was gone which was good news, however she could not hold the sippy cup nor would she open her mouth to drink. I ended up having to open her mouth for her, hold the cup in place, and talk her thru drinking. Once she had a few sips she mustered up enough energy to drink more. At about the half way point she was able to lift her arms and hold the sippy cup on her own and finish the shake. She was able to situp and smile a huge warm smile at Melinda and I, as well as climb down from the bed and quietly demand that as long as both of us were standing around, at the very least one of us could read to her. By the time Katy got there she was hopping around and feeling much better.
Abigail had a great day...ate lunch one and lunch two, as well as a nice trip to the park to enjoy the sun.
One of my clients bought Abigail a stuffed frog! Its very soft and squeezable, that being one of Abigails favorite activities....squeezing hands, heads, faces, exposed pieces of flesh...those little fingers really hurt! She was not sure what to think of it at first but now she loves it!!!

This post had me go from laughing my head off (supersized suppositories) to being dumbstruck with worry.
Glad to hear she's doing better.
Thanks and Sorry about that. She is doing much better. Basically we learned the hard way that if she does not eat one of her meals...she HAS to do a ketoshake to replace it. Won't be making that mistake again.
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