Remember the long car rides you used to take in the summer with your parents as kids. Your older sister on one side, your older brother on the other. The car is small, loud, and has no air conditioner? The snacks lovingly packed by your mother are hours gone. The sun has turned any uncovered vinyl to a searing punishment that keeps you from moving. You feel the words forming in your mouth and you fight to keep them in. Not five minute before; your father had threatened to pull this "beeping" car over if he hears one more peep out of any of us, and your mother had backed him up by screaming "Sit on your hands" in a rarely used voice. You know you are going to pay, but the option of getting out of the car; even for 5 minutes while you get yelled at is a better than staying in the car for one more minute. Plus your hands go numb after 5 minutes of sitting on them anyways. The words emerge from the corner of your mouth and get louder as the sentence continues...."Are we there yet?" you blurt out rapidly.... You smile as the squealing of brakes and the pressure of the 1970's lap belt squeezes your mid section.
Thats kind of how I feel right now.
Are we there yet?
I am not sure where is, but Abigail had a really tough day. She flat out refused to eat dinner, I barely got lunch 2 into her, she didn't eat all of lunch 1, and breakfast was an effort due to the lack of coffee, for me....not her. She is tired, cranky, and seems to have started channeling a small demon I believe to be from the 6th layer of hell. We gave in on dinner and had her drink a keto shake just to get the calories in her.
I spent 15 minutes tinkering with my cyclocross bike and found some form or fashion enough of zen to help get her ready for bed.
I have a feeling we only have a week or so more of this before she fully adjusts.
Yes, hang in there! At the beginning we had lots of coaxing, tears, and sometimes even force-feeding (and arguments over what was the best strategy). It's much better now, although we still occasionally have issues.
You can try bribing Abigail with stickers of a favourite character (one sticker for every bite) or ask her beforehand what she wants for her meal, giving her a choice between two meals she likes.
I often feed Jade even though she's old enough to feed herself, and we sometimes play the "airplane game" or ask her to roar like a lion or even tell her NOT to open her mouth and "don't you dare smile".
Hang in there, good buddy. You're doing great. Don't loose that sense of humor!
Mike - you are are amazing! I love the humor and I know only too well that is the only way to get through all this. That being said - one seizure!!! That is fantastic - I hope she can adjust to everything her little body must be going through quickly and that we get to share her with yo again. Class isn't quite the same without fierce Abigail hugs!Hope today is better :)
Ugh. The first little bit is HORRIBLE! I was that dad who, if we had been in a car on a summer road trip, would have been quite happy to stick his kid on the side of the road and drive off into the sunset.
Have no fear, though, there is a light at the end of that tunnel.
Thanks for all the words of encouragement! A good nights sleep helped reset frustration levels.
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